Announcing our Private Beta!

1 min readMar 31, 2021

We’re happy to announce we are accepting invite requests for OppSync’s Private Beta, where AWS partners will be granted early access to our powerful service, eliminating their AWS-CRM data disruptions.

With support for popular CRM software like Hubspot and Salesforce, this service requires no code or engineering on your end and seamlessly integrates with your existing AWS account.

Disruptions between AWS and your CRM require time and resources to manage, and can even mean losing out on good opportunities for your business. In a particularly competitive marketplace, OppSync’s service is an invaluable resource to keep ahead of the rest.

If you would like to participate in this private beta, go to and click Request Beta Invite!

Participants in the beta will receive early access to our AWS-CRM integration service, as well as special offers for signing up!

We’re excited to get working with you. Contact us today at




Your No Code Solution For AWS CRM Integration. #AWSPartners #AWSCloud